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Sunday, 11 March 2012

Best gift God gave me

I feel so guilty
really feel bad for my grandmother

Yesterday, I went out with Louis, Geofredy, Candy.
After that, I immediately went to tuition. Instead of studying I sang for an hour with Louis and Jerris :p. We didn't study at all \m/ 
After the free karaoke service I had from my tuition,I went to Cambridge with Angeline, Angeline's lil sis, Sintari, VJ, Michael, Tomi, Darwin(long no see my friend) and Jerris to finish taking a bath at the fitness place! -_-
continued to Cemara sari, fetched Novia and to have our dinner.

we went to Double 7 to have our  dinner. We think the waiter put something in the boys' food cause all the boys were having stomachaches, especially Michael :s

When we were still eating at the restaurant, my grandma called me and I lied to her that we're already on our way home.
We quickly called for the bill and hurriedly sent Novia and Angeline back home.
When we were on the way to Tomi's house, Michael took the wrong way!
we got lost!! luckily, we found our way back (y)
After we sent Tomi home, Michael sent me back to my home.
When I got home, My grandma scolded me. After she's satisfied, she calmed down and I apologized.
I know I was wrong, I felt so guilty and knew that i'm such a bad grand child even though she's such an awesome grandmother :p
So I decided to make surprise for her to say thank you and sorry :D

random pictures of my family :)

 my uncle
cute? :) muahaha!
fatties :3

 mother and son. lol

daddy look so fatttttt x(
grandpa andrewwwwwwww =))
 my uncle from Hong Kong :)

 mom <3

lots of love, evelyn

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