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Monday, 26 December 2011

unforgettable memories

15 December 2011

went to the internet caffe again w/ Micahel (aseng), Andre and Kris
I sat there doing nothing for 2 hours, in a bad mood :(
then, Kris suddenly forced me to play, so I decided to play left 4 dead by myself..
they all think i'm crazy because I played by myself -,-
after finished the first round by myself, I continued to the second round, this is so STUPID!
To complete the mission, we need to take the coca cola! But I left it accidentally! So I need to go back but I died on my way back! 
They decided to join me at the 2nd round
2nd round is not that difficult, I told them that this time i'm not gonna be the one who take the stupid coca cola -_-
on the 3rd round...
There are so many zombies! We died 4 times! It was super duper difficult for us to pass!
But at the 5th time we FINALLY PASSED!
But I didn't cause I died -_-
Go to hell -_-

I keep shooting him so that his blood will decrease
muahahah! ;;)
Michael went home
so we decided to go to BOBA bits!
When I came back from the toilet, I saw Andre holding my BB and Kris was laughing beside him -_-
when I saw my bbm status it worte “I LOVE TAE YANG AND BOBA!”
I threw tissue to both of them then updated my status “Kris and Andrean THE BOBA LOVER!”
I forced them to take a picture with the word BOBA in front of the restaurant!
But they refused! They said if you pay for the food, we'll take a picture in front of the restaurant
I accepted their challenge and paid for the food -_-
then in front of the caffe they took picture! Wahaha! LOL! I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AFTER I TOOK THE PICTURE!
I sure had a lot of fun today (:

tell you the answer 3 days later

17 December 2011
tittle: happy birthday Hikaru :D

Yesterday, we went to Zembu, a Japanese restaurant (ugh). I ordered Salmon Teriyaki..
when I was eating, suddenly Andrean (the Boba lover :p) put the spice on my vegetables! Then Justine put wasabi on my Vegetables! Then Andre put soy sauce on my vegetables! >:O
GRRR!!! I put soy sauce at Andrean's ramen! And it turned out to become more delicious!
DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!! I didn't get my revenge :'( then I put more spice at Justine's
In the end Justine ate my soup and vegetables because I cannot finish the food..
he's super crazy at eating but I wonder why he's not fat :s
after that went to salon with my Mom
then went to Hikaru's sweet 17 birthday party
happy sweet 17 Hikaru (:
and went home

20 December 2011
tittle: best cafe evaaaa

I went to boba again with Kris and Calvin
after that we went to the internet cafe till 5, played left 4 dead again with kris, andre and ericko.. hihi
we died only twice this time :p
Calvin can't join us cause the maximum of 4 players can play D:
Devina came to the internet cafe
then we went to strawberry cafe B)
this cafe is awesome! There're lots of games we can play but trust me the punishments aren't pretty ._.
the worst punishment is....We must dance in the middle of the cafe!
country dance in the middle of the cafe -_-
it was so humiliating! But fun :D
I danced a lil
We played this game called as JURASSIC
where we exchange our cards till te point where we get all the same color cards will immediately take the bone and scream HULA HULA HULA!
But the other 5 players must try to get the bones too!
There'e only 5 bones so 1 of the players who didn't get the bone will lose and the winners can put powder on his/her face :p
there was a time where Calvin and I were grabbing the bone. In the end he used force and of course, I lose -_-
so I took his glasses and put it in the powder bowl! MUAHAHA! (y)
but then Andrean -_-
he stole my bone!
So I got the punishment!
that time Calvin and Andre are grabbing a bone
Calvin won
I placed my bone on the table, Andre saw an opportunity and stole my bone! ARGH!
I lost 3 times! Imagine how white my face is
so now I want to give Andre a SUPER REVENGE! And I did \m/

after playing lots of games, we went to Central Park because we thought there's a midnight sale
but unfortunately there wasn't -_-
so instead, we went to JCO
after that we went to burger king to find drinks, they ordered fanta for me :s
this is bad for me, I can't drink soda (so lame)
but they paid for so.....
Andre teased me so I threw the fanta to him
there's like 4 drops of fanta on his shirt
I didn't know that he's gonna be mad cause when I did this to my Medan friends they didn't get mad
I apologized to him for more than 15 times D:
Luckily he forgave me (:
he said “I forgive you cause i'm a good boy”
are you kidding me?
Night! Today was awesome! \m/

one of the punishment! :p
blue doggy shirt: Andrean
girl with the white shirt: Devina
guy who is sitting in front wearing the black shirt: Kris
the fat one (no offense :p) : Ericko
guy wearing the hat: waiter
and the last one: Calvin

lots of love, EVELYN

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