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Monday, 24 October 2011

Lots Of Love (LOL)

This morning, me and my classmates celebrated Mr Daniel's birthday who teaches us Business and Economics at school , this is Sabatini's and Joselyn's idea to celebrate his belated birthday.
Luckily we surprised him and made him happy, had a lot of fun today at school.
took a lot of pictures but i'm just gonna post some...

we lost kicking ball last friday :(
the other team play cheat and of course we're not happy.
We scored 10 points and the other team 14 points.
Go to hell cheaters!
its just a game but the truth is, those cheaters really pissed me off.
Oh come on who likes cheaters anyway?

Oh yeah, another thing is... I'm not gonna post a lot of pictures of myself frequently anymore cause strangers took the pictures and make it as their prof picture. Some on Facebook, and some on twitter.
Those people who did that may be known as “fakers”
they pretend to be you and some only save your pictures.

Dear fakers, please don't do that anymore I beg of you?
You guys are much more prettier than me.
Be thankful to God who gave you such gorgeous face :)
don't underestimate yourself...
be proud of your own face, your own body, your own style


The birthday mannnn... B)

that's all for today :)
Lots Of Love (LOL), evelyn
no longer using xoxo :3

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