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Monday, 24 October 2011

Lots Of Love (LOL)

This morning, me and my classmates celebrated Mr Daniel's birthday who teaches us Business and Economics at school , this is Sabatini's and Joselyn's idea to celebrate his belated birthday.
Luckily we surprised him and made him happy, had a lot of fun today at school.
took a lot of pictures but i'm just gonna post some...

we lost kicking ball last friday :(
the other team play cheat and of course we're not happy.
We scored 10 points and the other team 14 points.
Go to hell cheaters!
its just a game but the truth is, those cheaters really pissed me off.
Oh come on who likes cheaters anyway?

Oh yeah, another thing is... I'm not gonna post a lot of pictures of myself frequently anymore cause strangers took the pictures and make it as their prof picture. Some on Facebook, and some on twitter.
Those people who did that may be known as “fakers”
they pretend to be you and some only save your pictures.

Dear fakers, please don't do that anymore I beg of you?
You guys are much more prettier than me.
Be thankful to God who gave you such gorgeous face :)
don't underestimate yourself...
be proud of your own face, your own body, your own style


The birthday mannnn... B)

that's all for today :)
Lots Of Love (LOL), evelyn
no longer using xoxo :3

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

pumped up kicks

Heliu healthy people who I envy so very much
been sick for 2 days -_-
caught a terrible headache which turned into a fever!
Extremely dizzy, feel like the world is shaking and my head is so freakin heavy.
It's been a long time since i've been sick. I missed being sick but now I hate being sick -_-
you can't do anything you want and eat whateva you want when you're sick.... Grrrr....
just now, I passed KFC and I saw those people eating KFC chicken... KFC french fries, etc and I envied them so much -_- craving for KFC >:(
fortunately i'm getting better...
one of the advantage of getting sick is that we're allowed to skip school \m/
disadvantages... you know...
I didn't take a bath for 2 days because my grandmama said that if you caught a fever, you may not take a bath...
my hair is so oily I think I could fry an egg with that much oil :s
Just Kidding
I just took a bath
and OMG
feels good babeh \m/
end of story :s
sorry this post is not so long
I'm still kind of dizzy which make me unable to think of another topic :s
gnite ;)

xoxo, evelyn

supposed to be posted yesterday night -_-

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Evelyn, Epuyin, Evil-lyn, Eve, Ev, Ebelyn

Ola readers!
how's you weekend? :D
mine is.... 

So today, me, Angeline, Angelin Jens, Sintari and Vanessa went to Baroka to eat noodles 6:
Candy didn't wanna join -_-
the reason is because she's lazy! I've been forcing her to go with us but she still refused! >:(
that lazy bump! 
She said that she prefers to lay on her bed for the whole day!
this is my first time eating at Baroka, The noodles are quiet delicious but because I put too much chilli, I cried.
It was so spicy that it make my lips red too
After that, we went to Cambridge and bla bla bla...
you guys won't wanna know the next part because nothing interesting happened today.
It was just playing ad playing -_-

ummmmm... (searching for topic)
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* still loading.... *

 I'm a goofy goober! ROCK!
You're a goofy goober! ROCK!
We're all goofy goobers! ROCK!
Goofy goofy goober goober! ROCK!

 lonely... i'm Mr Lonely... I've nobody...

my nicknames: Evelyn, Epuyin, Evil-lyn, Eve, Ev, Ebelyn

Friday, 14 October 2011

Good Life

Today, I had a lot of fun playing a game called kicking ball during Physical Education! \m/
The game is actually very similar to baseball, the rules are also the same, but we kick the ball instead of hitting it with a bat.
you guys should try to play that game too! 
Last week, Mr Justine ( my Physical Education teacher) said that we're gonna play this game again next week, which is today \m/

So.... we went out to the basketball court to play
the other team got to start first, and they did pretty well at the first round 
They scored 4 points! >:(
Next is our turn
Eko almost scored! But unfortunately when he was running, one of the opponent threw the ball to his head! HEAD SHOT!
We didn't did well at the first round D:
Many failed, actually all of us failed -_-
We made 3 outs D:
we were'nt confident of winning anymore...
while waiting for my turn to go, a ball suddenly came flying towards me and I tried to kick it, suddenly Geofredy appeard right infront of me and wanted to kick the ball too! He accidentally kicked my leg really hard when he was aiming for the ball!
Geofredy immediately apologized to me for like 10 times -_-

Now, it's the other team's turn,
2nd round!
When Cynthia kicked the ball, her shoe flew!
not only Cynthia's shoe flew, but Sabatini's shoe flew too -_-
and becouse of that, she fell down!
Geofredy accidentally threw the ball at her and hit her! (we're supposed to hit the opponent with the ball)
Vivian's turn, she ran! But Louis is already right infront of her holding the ball, she can't escape anymore so she touched the ball and SHE'S OUT!
Three outs caused by random people and now it's my team's turn again!

Eko, Vijay, Louis, Tomi and Geofredy SCORED WITHOUT A SINGLE OUT!
One of them did the home run but I forgot which one.
I ran three times and scored 3 \m/
yeah baby~
my friends scored again!
We did EXTREMLY well at the 2nd round!
Some of us didn't but most of us did!
I lav this game so freakin much!
We scored 17 points just now and the other team scored 4 points :p
Everytime we scored a point, the boys will sing “who let the dogs out!” song \m/
oh yeah...
I lav this game and I lav my team \m/
hope we can play again next week! :D

xoxo, evelyn

think about it

Today, my english teacher, Ms Satya gave us a lecture. She told us not to waste food, that we should take good care of our pet and the people who's worth our love and who's not. I agree with all her lectures, and i'm sure that if you have a heart, you will agree 100% too.

“Steve Jobs died and a million cried. A million died but no one cried.” To the people who cried because of Steve Jobs' death, have you ever thought of this phrase? Why didn't you cry when a million children starve to death in Africa? It doesn't make sense. I know that everyday, food is wasted and thown away. So... next time you wanna throw food away, stop and think about the children in Africa who starved to death first. If you still don't care, then that proofs that you're heartless. And... why didn't anybody cry when Mother Theresa died? (If you guys dunno Mother Theresa search at Google -_-) Why did people cry just because Steve Jobs die? Weird right?

Have you ever seen or heard of a pet dog being locked in a tiny cage, a cage with no space at all. Sometimes, they also have very tight collars tied on their neck which makes them hard to breathe. So... IF YOU CAN'T TREAT A DOG NICELY, DON'T BUY ONE!

Think about it.

Xoxo, evelyn

P.S: don't get upset if i'm too harsh.
P.SS: this is supposed to be posted 3 days ago. Hehehe :p

            nyehehe :3

Sunday, 2 October 2011



so, I woke up early this morning cause I couldn't sleep 
then I took a bath and get ready
looked at my black berry and saw many people sending me birthday wishes :D
My Birthday is supposed to be tomorrow but because I celebrated it today, most of my friends sent me birthday wishes today -_-
exchanged presents with candy and went to Waknoer 
Revin, Salim and Vionna came first
I told them to wait for the rest to come
I dunno who came next and I don't care..
so we celebrated
had a lot of fun
we ate first, cut the cake, then open presents and took pictures together :D

after that we went to Cambridge's movie goers but unfortunately the places were all full so we cancelled watching
we decided to go to Starbucks
suddenly we saw ms maan and ms daisy :D
we chatted a lil bit
then we bought some scary movies and watched it at my house
cause we dunno where else to go -_-
Today's post is quite boring cause I can't remember EVERTHING D:

here are some pics :D
P.S: please be patient :)

                                              I'm still wearing my pajamas -,-
Sintari and Angelin Jens 
Jerrris,Boy Juki, Vijay

Tomi, Ecko

Ugly boys -,-

From Jerris

Girls :*

      Miss Maan and Miss Daisy :D

more on FB :D
I lav today \m/
God bless everybody!
xoxo, evelyn